Another letter from Miss Jane, written during the late 1940's. This is one of my favorites. "Junie" was one of her pet names for Mr. Burl. Henry is Henry Ficklin. Marguerite is Marguerite Lester. Several of the names mentioned will be familiar to many of you. Also, Mr. Burl was a bachelor at the time. Hope you enjoy this, and please don't be shy about leaving a comment. ~ Ginger
Dear Junie,
I went to Sunday School and Church. We had a choir of 20 men, and it was an inspiration to see them and hear their voices - although some said that they couldn't sing. Some of them were: Dan Doggett, Sr., Hugh Williams, Sam Owsley, Mr. Davis, Lacy Byron, etc.
Then Daddy and I went to Mr. Stone's funeral at Shrout's Funeral Home. There was a large crowd - of course the Stones have a large connection.
Aunt May had a telegram from Henry saying that he is coming home Wednesday, and you and Jess are to carry on.
As I passed Richardson's, Jimmy asked about you, and said, "Mrs. Kincaid, Burl may bring you a daughter." Mrs. Richardson though that would be nice. I told them that I would be delighted but I didn't really think you would.
When do you think you will get home?
_______ has disappointed me over not coming to paper. We will probably get some one else this week.
Daddy staid* up town a while. Hope he gets a letter from you.
May, Lyda, and Marguerite are talking in the other room. I believe 'Reta' is feeling better.
Now Sugar, Bye - Lots of love,
Did you get your shirts?
*"Staid is an archaic form of "stayed." I'm not sure when it exactly went completely out of use, although I think it was used until as late as the early 1900's. Of course, we still use the word "staid," but only as an adjective.
Labels: A Letter From Miss Jane, Doggett, Richardson