Odd Words and Phrases

The use of proper grammar and correct enunciation were important to Daddy.  His mother Jane Kincaid taught for many years and he taught and worked in the board office for 42 years.  Here is a list of words he wrote down that were local regionalisms. When coming into town one of his favorites was " we have arroved!" ~ Don
That therin (that)
Hit (it)
His’n, her’n (his or her ownership)
Wed backer beds ( weed tobacco beds)
Hain’t (they ain’t)
Summers (somewhere)
That’s all they are to it,
Sumpin (something)
Agin (against),  

He listed a few sayings as well.  
Nip and tuck (thought to be the same as neck to neck as in a race)
Colder than a mackerel (cold and dead)
Darker than pitch. (roof pitch is black)
Madder than a wet hen.
Meaner than a snake.
Hotter than a fire cracker.
