Some Old Advice on Planning Your Garden

If you're like me, you might be planning your garden right about now.  My Gurney's catalog is getting well-thumbed and visions of ripe tomatoes and fresh green beans are dancing in my head.  Last year, my dad had a beautiful plot of sunflowers, so I might try to do that here in our back lot.  Sunflowers are cheery and we all need more of that.  I'm also thinking of starting a lavender patch.  I love to smell lavender and it is a very pretty plant.  And I want to try butternut squash because we ate a lot of it roasted this past winter . . and maybe beets, because they are good roasted too. 

So much to plan!  But as we all try to decide what seeds and plants to buy for our summer gardens,  we might do well to follow this advice on what type of garden to grow.  

Found written in Miss Jane's cookbook:

The Garden of Life

First, plant five rows of P's:

Next, plant three rows of Squash:
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash criticism.

Then, plant five rows of Lettuce:
Let us be faithful to duty
Let us be unselfish and loyal
Let us obey the law
Let us fulfill our responsibilities
Let us love one another.

No garden is complete without Turnips:
Turn up promptly for meetings
Turn up with a cheerful smile
Turn up with new ideas
Turn up with determination to . . .

Make everything count for something good.

-Author Unknown

And . . .

Last time, I posted this picture but didn't say where it was taken.  Joyce Kiskaden asked in her comment if it was the old Mormon Church Road, and that is exactly where it is.  The picture is of the old Mormon church that was located at the juncture of 36 and Preston Road.

From a different angle.  I wanted to get the same perspective as the old photo but that didn't pan out, mainly because my photographer (a.k.a. Don) wasn't listening to me as I explained what I wanted.  He evidently had my mother's cooking on his mind as we were headed to Easter dinner.

I'm currently going through some more old pictures that might interest everybody.  Hopefully, I'll have those up in about a week. Until then, stay dry!

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